Tuesday, 11 October 2011

To Do lists

I am a big believer in to do lists, in fact any type of list really, they help to keep me organised and fairly panic free in most aspects of my life.

I have several to do lists for the move to London:

To Do 1

  • Find some where to live/stay
  • Sort out physio re-referral
  • Change address for contacts
  • Work out a budget
  • Find out how Oyster cards work 
  • Make nail appointment (to remove the shellac nails I currently am wearing)
  • Hand in notice
  • Sort out gym
  • Pack
  • Sort out banks
  • Buy toiletries
  • Sort out laptop
  • Replace Mum's conditioner 
  • Cards
  • Order skype head set
  • Catch up with friends
I worked through this list, ticking a large portion off to only then realise that there was a whole bunch of other stuff I had to do to

To Do 2

  • Find out monthly & weekly tube ticket prices
  • Find out work start times
  • Figure out how to get to work
  • Find out what zone I'm in
  • Find own house
  • Order Oyster card
  • Contacts 
  • Decide on and buy tube pass
  • Protect Oyster card
  • Register at GP's 
Working through this second list I quickly realised that most of the things on it can only be done whilst I'm in London. Which is great, it means I am as prepared as I can be atm, right?

Then why do I feel so unprepared?

I am currently sat in my parents bed at home, (looking after the house, dog and brother whilst they are away enjoying a few days to them selves) looking at all my lists and going over them and I am quiet frankly terrified!

After taking a break and reading through this again, I've just come to realise that actually, I have achieved a lot in such a short space of time (go me), well not just me, I've had a massive amount of support from my family and friends. So for that I thank you!

There are going to be things that aren't going to be done by the time it comes to leaving and that's OK! I am just going to go with the flow and try to enjoy every minuet of it, completed To Do list or not!


  1. If I don't manage to see you before you go - have a great time and enjoy it, London is a great place to work when you're young if you take the time to appreciate the good things it has to offer. Well done you! See you soon.

  2. Hi Amy, I normally chat with your Mum and she has posted about your new blog. Best on luck on your move to London. I only lived in town for a short period of time but ti was great at your sort of age. I now live about a 20 min train journey out and that is perfect.

    I also love my lists!

    Mich x

  3. You sound as if you are getting organised and I hope you enjoy yourself when you get there. The world is yours..........
